me smiling :)

Hi, my name is

Negassa Berhanu

A Software Engineer with 5+ years of industrial experience in various Ethiopian companies in the areas of management, backend development, UX design using multiple programming languages and frameworks.

About Me

Hello there ! My name is Negassa and I enjoy creating dope things that live on computers, local or remote. My interest in computers started wayback when I was a 9 year old and my father brought home a heavy laptop. I tried to type my name on there and the moment I pressed N and I saw it on the screen I was hooked. There was no looking back from there on.
Fast forward and I'm now a graduate of Adama Science & Technology University and have built several bots, websites, web services, SMS services, backend services & APIs etc. My main focus these days is building accessible, simple yet powerful tools & digital products that can simplify business processes and their interactions with their customers.

Here are a few technologies of I work with:

  • Python
  • Django
  • html, css3
  • bootstrap
  • Django ReST
  • FastAPI
  • Telethon

Some of the things I've built

a simple, efficient & cheap SMS platform for businesses.
python3, Django, Django ReST


API that connects to the happy-review UI to collect data.
python3, FastAPI, bootstrap

Django Form Creator (Contributer)

A Django application that lets users create forms.
Python3, Django, PyTests

ocrspace (contributer)

A Python library for using the API to that can extract text from pictures as well as pdf files.


A Telegram bot for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) telegram bot that extracts texts from any kind of pictures utilizing ocrspace.
Python3, Telethon

Platinium Betting tips scraper

A telegram bot that scrapes betting tips from websites and posts them on a telegram channel
Python3, Telethon, Beautiful Soup


A telegram bot that tracks chips giveaways that come up randomly, plays the table, and receives giveaways in PokerBot on telegram.
Python3, Telethon


A scraper that gets the latest information on crypto prices and dumps the scraped data as a json file.
Python3, Beautiful Soup, Selenium


A multi-screen queue management system for concerts, exhibitions, games, etc so attendants don't waste their time simply standing in line.
Python3, Django, bootstrap

Verify Bot

A bot integrated to an SMS platform to deliver the contents to users via Telegram.
Python3, FastAPI, Telethon


A Telegram bot that will send review questions to a specific set of users once per day.
Python3, FastAPI, Telethon


My 1st foray into the python world...A terminal based Rock, Paper, Scissors game.

Contact Me

I'm always happy to try out new project, new opportunities and new challenges. You can reach me via the following: